Something you don't know about. You have no idea how i really feel. Can you even imagine how I feel when all the girls, except me meet up for a movie, dinner, small talk etc? You have to understand that i get really hurt when you do this to me. You've done it for years. All the girls get together almost every night.. but not me. No I have no clue that you see eachother because no one ever tells me about it. We were 3 girls who've stayd intouch for almost seven years, but now.. now "we're" 8 girls, and it feels like you've left me behind. You understand? I hate to feel like an outsider. I feel empty, so fucking empty! How hard can it be to pick up the phone and dail my number when you call the other girls? It may take.. 2 (?) minutes of your precious time. But hey! If i'm not worth 2 minutes, I can't see how we possibly can be friends. Can't you see how hurt I am!? Why are you doing this? I thaought we were best of friends. I guess i was wrong. It's so wrong to "invite" everybody except one person. I thaought you knew that. It doesn't feel like you are my best friends anymore.
Never kiss and tell.
Never kiss and tell.
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